Why subscribe?
I have the occasional interesting thing to say about our world, climate, tech, and personal growth (and travails). Plus year-end top ten books lists! And, if you can find it, some music.
Who am I?
I am a recovering New Yorker who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Something about most of my interests can be found scattered across these pages. All my online presence(s) can be found here.
I am the co-founder of Amasia, a venture capital firm with offices in the Bay Area and Singapore. I invest in companies that help fight the climate crisis and enhance sustainability, through behavior change. I’ve written a book on my personal journey of revelation about the climate crisis. And my firm offers a course on behavior change for climate founders.
I chair the Board of Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. As Penn Board Chair, I also serve on the boards of Penn Medicine and the Penn Investment Office. I serve as Global Coordinator of the Penn Alumni Ambassador Program. I formerly chaired the Board of Advisors of the School of Arts and Sciences at Penn, and served on the board of Penn’s Center for the Advanced Study of India.
I serve on the Advisory Council of the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University. I have been the seed funder and board member of several non-profits over the years including SF Goodwill and the Housing and Community Development Committee of San Mateo County. I remain closely associated with Magic Bus, an NGO that works with 500,000 at-risk children in South Asia.
I have a B.S.E. in Computer Science and Engineering, a B.S. in Economics, and a Master of Liberal Arts, all from Penn, and I am enrolled in the Master of Liberal Arts program at Stanford.
I host a climate science podcast called In Our Hands. My friend Molly Wood and I host a climate fiction podcast + book club called FutureVerse. I also write on more personal topics on my personal blog.
And here is a bonus photo of my neurotic pooch, Rio: